April 16, 2010

"She has the voice of an angel"

That's bold. You can't just throw that out there about someone unless you really mean it.  Not that I really even know what the voice of an angel would sound like... but it sets some high expectations.

These expectations were met last night by the lovely and oh so mesmerizing Katie Moore.  What a babe too!

 Hands down, I have to say, that it was one of the best shows I have been too.  And yes, I realize that is a bold statement to make as well... Boldness seems to be every where in this post.  Maybe I should just write this whole post in BOLD.. I made a joke? haha Funny...?!

She played last night at the Casa De Popolo, which is a really nice intimate venue.  The bar is split into two with one side being a cafe/restaurant vibe and the other side being just for shows.   The place was packed and usually at such capacity there is bound to be someone who is talking obnoxiously or not playing attention, but not at this show! Every single person in the audience was captivated by Katie Moore and her back up band.  Even the bartenders were whispering. 

Isn't she awesome? She had a violinist that accompanied her as well and who played so hauntingly beautifully.  The violin, combined with Katies voice, was almost too much. It tugged at my heart strings.  I don't really know what else to say about her, other then I am so glad I got to see her perform and I will probably end up going to see her again soon. She is from Montreal after all...

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