April 18, 2010

Sample/Inventory Sale!

Friday was a rainy and dreary day, so I headed down to the Old Port of Montreal to attend a fashion sale. It was Day 2 of "The Big Fashion Sale by Quebec Designers".  In search of some good deals on some local fashion I headed to this huge old building called Bonsecours:

The sale was pretty crazy. There was three levels to explore of clothing, accessories, jackets and shoes.  There was all different kinds of styles to look at! Super classy ladies wear to organic cotton hippy yoga wear.

Most of the vendors( if not all) were waaayyy out of my price range! Even at the sale prices of 50-80% off things were still pretty pricey.  It was still fun to look. I had heard about sample sales but had never been to one until now.  It is a rare chance to potentially buy one-of-a-kind designer items!!! This sale was pretty large in scale, so it included a lot of old inventory as well.

Some of the designers that stood out to me are:

I was kinda surprised that I liked her stuff.  I think it was mostly because it reminded me of my friend Alicja's design style

Super cute dressers. There was a really nice white (with tiny grey hearts) cotton shift dress, with super delicate pleating in the front that I loved by this designer.

Her jewelry really reminds me of an old co-worker/friend in the Yukon who creates beautiful stained glass works and jewelry.

 I have always loved this brand. Their jackets are AMAZING! 

That is about all I can remember... One thing that really stood out to me at the event was the range of quality/styles of product! There was a good mix of emerging designers and well established brands so it was neat to see them all in one place.  It was inspiring to see.

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