Okay, so now for PART DEUX of Saturday night (yeah it's a little bit late but whateve's):
After the Wilco concert we needed to get into our Nuit Blanche mode. Even though it was midnight by the time we left the show, we still had plenty of time to do things. Nuit Blanche is an annual, all night arts festival where basically the city is the venue. Things are literally happening everywhere.
We started in the Old Port which had light shows, a (closed) ice slide, cabanes a sucre, and a huge dance party. It was pretty overwhelming with the mass amounts of people. The number one thing to do it seemed there was to buy a hot dog or marshamellow skewer and roast it over these bonfires they had going everywhere. It seemed a bit silly.
We then thankfully met up with a group of friends who were all keen to find some random things to do. My goal for the night was to try and do things you wouldn't be able to do on any other given night in the city. Dance parties can happen any time.
Soo... with that in mind we were off to "Karaoke Opera" in the Place des Arts Metro Station. I thought it was going to be kinda terrible and more humourous (like most other Karaoke I've been to) but no, it was like watching professionals. They all must have been trained Opera singers!! Some didn't even have to read the lyrics!!
After that, we ventured up to the SAT (Society for Arts and Technology). I hate to admit, but it was a dance party... BUT a redeeming quality was that it had some really neat video art installations happening. So we watched that for a bit and half of us carried on and we left two behind who just couldn't fight the urge to dance the night away.
Next, it was up to the Plateau to watch some bad TV:
Unfortunately, we were too late.... or even potentially went to the wrong address (whoops)."Total Crap presents the worst television and film ever made--so bad that it's good. International, national and regional TV--we have it all, enough wretched CinemaCrap and Tortured TV to damage the sanest mind!"
The final thing (and highlight of the night) was going to McGills Redpath Museum.
Museum, at 4 am in the morning? Boring you say? What if I told you that all the lights were off and you got to explore the building with flashlights?!!
The museum is apparently the oldest in Canada, built in the 1800's. It has an Albertosaurus!!! AND mummies! I didn't even learn that much about anything, it was just so cool to shine a light into a case and be surprised at what was in it. Since everyone else had flashlights, you could see some really cool shadows thrown across the ceilings/walls. We sat and just watched that for a while.
By this time it was now 5 a.m. and Nuit Blanche was winding down and it was home time.
Thanks to the Metro for being open all night and taking me and the hundreds of others home after an adventure filled night in the city!!!
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